I finally got the printer downloaded again!! The monitor on my home computer is working again! Sometimes it goes out, but it's really doing great today! This first picture is what I'm working on now. I need to finish this today! It's for Karissa at Love Quilts. It's due tomorrow; so I've got to get it in the mail tomorrow. She waits a couple of weeks before she makes the quilt. This is "Puppy Love" from the book Furry Friends by Gloria and Pat Designs.I'm really enjoying this. This puppy reminds me of my poodle, Coco. His eyes are just like this puppy's.

Here is the finished Belle! She's going to Cole's Quilts for Veronica's quilt. She wasn't too hard to stitch. She's also due tomorrow. I've been holding off on mailing her, because I wanted to post a picture of her and I don't have a digital camera.

This one is one of my favorites!! This was a joy to stitch!! She will be in Rachel's quilt at Love Quilts. Jerry even said he would like for me to do one for him and make a pillow with it! He never says he wants me to stitch anything for him!!

And last but not least, these are 2 little ornaments that I stitched this week. Aren't they precious! I did the one on the right first and cut it out and then read the directions that said to glue felt to the back before you cut them out! That will be a whole lot easier! They are from the book Christmas Ornaments by Kooler Design Studio. I did them on vinyl weave. I really like to stitch on vinyl weave! I put up a small tree every year with just handmade ornaments; so these will be perfect for my tree!
I haven't gotten back to the deer yet to do that frogging. The dreaded frog has been leaving me alone - thank goodness!! I had to get these charity squares finished first.
Things are going pretty good around our home. I subbed 2 days last week. They were both good days. There was a fire drill at one of the schools. Almost every school I've subbed at this year has had a fire drill while I was there! I went to a school that I had subbed at a couple of years ago and had had a bad day. I said I would never go there again! But they have moved into a brand new building, and I had heard that the students were better now. So I decided to try again, and this time I had a great day!! I plan to go there again if they call me.
I did my monthly marathon shopping yesterday - mostly for groceries! Using my coupons and store specials, I saved $115.39!! I do one big shopping trip once a month and then just pick up the few things I need in between. I'm still doing my diet - I've lost over 40 lbs!! I have totally changed my eating habits! I'm still trying new Weight Watchers recipes. There's only been 1 0r 2 recipes that we didn't really care for. We eat lots of fresh veggies and fruit. The new 100 calories treats really help, too.
Well, that about catches everyone up on my life! I'm going to visit my mom for a while today. Have a happy day, and may God bless you!